What should be cleaned regularly

10 Surfaces in Your 365买球平台 That Need a Thorough Scrub

Keeping your home spotless isn’t just for looks; it’s crucial for your health, 幸福, and overall peace of mind. 每个角落和缝隙, from your kitchen counters busy with meal prep to the peaceful corners of your bedroom, 是…的故乡 surfaces that can quickly turn into breeding grounds for germs, dust, and dirt if not regularly and properly cleaned.

但, 嘿, if your schedule’s packed and you’re unsure where to start, consider reaching out to some of the top maid services around 柯克兰. 他们是专业的 transforming a cluttered space into a clean, safe living environment.

What should be cleaned regularly?

Who offers extensive maid services in 柯克兰 and the areaNo need to panic or turn every day into a major cleaning marathon. Just give those often-touched surfaces a quick wipe, and you’ll be good to go.

1. 台面 

These spots get a ton of use, especially in kitchens where all the cooking and daily activities really leave their mark. It’s key to wipe them down every day with a countertop-safe disinfectant. And don’t forget a deeper clean weekly to catch any sneaky grime tucked away in those hard-to-reach spots.

2. 砧板

It’s pretty obvious why cutting boards need a bit of extra care—t嘿’re in direct contact with our food, 毕竟. Give them a good scrub with hot, soapy water after every use, and then hit them with some disinfectant. If you’ve got wooden boards, treating them with mineral oil once a month really helps keep them in top shape.

3. 设备句柄

We touch these spots all the time but somehow always forget to tackle them. 然而, giving them a quick once-over with disinfectant wipes every day can really help stop bacteria in its tracks.

4. 马桶座圈

Given their nature, it’s pretty crucial to keep toilet seats sanitized. Daily cleaning with a disinfectant spray or wipes can prevent the spread of germs throughout your household.

5. 水龙头和淋浴喷头 

结果, faucets and showerheads can collect a lot of bacteria and limescale, which isn’t exactly good news for you or your water. A good scrub every week with a descaling solution will keep operations smooth and maintain a healthy environment.

6. 个性化的东西 

Things like light switches, 遥控器, and door knobs get touched a lot and pick up germs along the way. Give them a wipe with proper sanitizer a few times a week to reduce the risk of dirt and viruses spreading.

7. 电子产品

Don’t forget that things like smartphones, 平板电脑, and keyboards come into contact with our hands constantly. Use alcohol-based wipes or a soft cloth dampened with a mix of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water for daily cleaning.

8. 宠物领域 & 项目

All pet 项目 including beds, bowls, and toys, can become a breeding ground for bacteria. 每周洗一次, using pet-safe disinfectants or hot soapy water for bowls and toys, and vacuum or launder beds as per instructions.

9. 地毯和地毯 

It’s widely known these trap dust, allergens, and microbes. Vacuum at least once a week and consider a professional deep clean annually or bi-annually, depending on foot traffic.

10. 窗台和百叶窗

Curious about the biggest gatherers of dust and allergens that mess with your indoor air? 这是你的答案. A monthly wipe-down with a damp cloth does the trick, 对于盲人来说, using a vacuum with a brush attachment works wonders.

家政服务柯克兰Who offers extensive maid services in 柯克兰 and the area?

Is your home a little messy and you’re on the hunt for some genius decluttering tips or eco-friendly cleaning hacks? No worries, NW Maids 西雅图 has your back! We have a team of experienced and highly-trained professionals ready to bring your home back into shape according to your exact requirements. Just drop us a line, and we’ll get to work! No matter if you’re right by the 彼得柯克大厦 or elsewhere in the area, we’re always at your service. 

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